30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (2024)

Crested geckos are amazing creatures that have captured the hearts of many reptile lovers. These cute and friendly lizards have some unique features and behaviors that make them stand out from other geckos.

In this post, we will share with you over 30 interesting and fun facts about the crested gecko, such as:

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1. The Crested Gecko’s Unique Name

Crested geckos are also known as “eyelash geckos” due to the hair-like projections above their eyes, which resemble eyelashes. These fascinating creatures are native to New Caledonia, a group of islands in the South Pacific.

2. Natural Habitat

The crested gecko, sometimes known as the eyelash gecko, is a type of gecko. It is native to New Caledonia, a French special collectivity located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, some 1,210 kilometers (750 miles) east of Australia and 17,000 kilometers (11,000 miles) from Metropolitan France.

3. A Reptile Reappearance

Once believed to be extinct, crested geckos were rediscovered in 1994 by a team led by Robert Seipp. Since then, they’ve become popular pets, known for their low-maintenance care and charming personalities.

4. A Rainbow of Colors

Crested geckos come in a variety of colors and patterns, from bright reds and oranges to subtle browns and grays. This wide array of colors is due to their natural variations and selective breeding.

5. Crested Gecko’s Sticky Feet

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (1)

These geckos have incredible climbing abilities, thanks to their specialized toe pads. The tiny hairs on their feet allow them to effortlessly scale vertical surfaces and even hang upside down!

6. No Eyelids, No Problem

Crested geckos don’t have eyelids. Instead, they use their long tongues to clean and moisten their eyes, ensuring they stay comfortable and healthy.

7. A Tail of Regeneration

Unlike some other gecko species, crested geckos cannot regenerate their tails once lost. It’s essential to handle them gently and avoid grasping their tails to prevent injury.

Because they have a long prehensile tail that helps them to grab onto vines and trees, if you hold one, they may sometimes wrap their tail around your finger to feel secure and steady.

However, potential Crestie owners should be aware that those tails can easily break off since the cells at the base of the tail are fragile and do not regenerate, therefore it is not rare to see Crested Geckos without a tail. Crested geckos that have lost their tails are referred toas “frog-butts.”

8. Nighttime Navigators

Crested geckos are nocturnal, which means they’re most active during the night. Their large, round pupils help them see better in low-light conditions.

9. Communication Through Crests

The crests along their bodies aren’t just for show; they play a role in communication. Geckos will raise their crests to appear larger and more intimidating when feeling threatened.

10. Omnivorous Eaters

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (2)

In the wild, crested geckos have a varied diet, including insects, fruit, and nectar. In captivity, a balanced diet can be achieved through specially formulated crested gecko diets and occasional insects.

11. They Appear to Have Eyelashes

The most distinguishing feature of crested geckos is located above their eyes. They appear to have eyelashes, and its name reflects this trait in several languages. Of course, they don’t actually have eyelashes, but it appears that way. They are, in fact, tiny scales or ridges. Nonetheless, it’s one of the qualities that makes them appear so adorable!

12. Hair on the Toe Pads

Their toe pads contain teeny-tiny rows of ridges that grasp and hold onto surface imperfections. They can even walk on vertical glass surfaces! The toe pads of a crested gecko are covered with thousands of tiny microscopic hairs called setae, which are split into hundreds of smaller hairs called spatulae. These tiny hair-like features enable them to attach to a wide range of surfaces.

13. Long-lived Pets

With proper care, crested geckos can live for 15-20 years in captivity. This makes them a long-term commitment for reptile enthusiasts.

14. Easy Temperature Requirements

Crested geckos thrive in temperatures between 72-78°F (22-26°C), making them suitable for room temperature environments, without the need for additional heating sources.

15. Humidity Helps

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (3)

These geckos require moderate humidity levels, ideally between 50-70%. Regular misting and a well-ventilated enclosure can help maintain proper humidity.

16. No Need for UVB

Crested geckos can live without UVB lighting, as long as they receive a well-balanced diet supplemented with calcium and vitamin D3.

17. Shedding Secrets

Like all reptiles, crested geckos shed their skin as they grow. They typically eat their shed skin, leaving little trace behind.

18. Males vs. Females

Male crested geckos have a visible bulge at the base of their tail, while females do not. This makes it relatively easy to distinguish between the sexes.

19. Breeding Behaviors

Crested geckos reach sexual maturity at around 15-18 months of age. When breeding, females can lay one or two eggs every 4-6 weeks during the breeding season.

20. Adaptable Climbers

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (4)

Crested geckos are arboreal, meaning they prefer to live in trees and are excellent climbers. In captivity, providing plenty of vertical space and climbing structures will keep them happy and healthy.

21. A Gecko’s Grip

Their incredible grip isn’t just due to their toe pads; crested geckos also use their prehensile tails for added stability and balance while climbing.

22. Vocalizations and Body Language

Crested geckos communicate through chirps, clicks, and squeaks. They also use body language, such as tail wagging and crest raising, to convey emotions and intentions.

23. Handling

Crested geckos can be handled, but it’s important to do so gently and with patience. Frequent, short handling sessions can help build trust and reduce stress.

24. The Importance of Calcium

Calcium is essential for the health of crested geckos, especially for females during breeding season. Providing a calcium supplement with their food helps maintain strong bones and prevent metabolic bone disease.

25. Hatchling Care

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (5)

Baby crested geckos, called hatchlings, require similar care to adults but benefit from more frequent misting and smaller food items.

26. Socializing Crested Geckos

While crested geckos can be housed together, it’s essential to monitor their interactions and separate them if aggression occurs. Males should not be housed together to avoid territorial disputes.

27. Size Matters

Crested geckos grow to be around 7-9 inches (18-23 cm) in length, including their tail. This makes them a manageable size for most reptile enthusiasts.

28. A Gecko’s Flickering Tongue

These geckos frequently flick their tongues to explore their surroundings and gather information about their environment.

29. Double-Jointed!

They have double-jointed toes that allow them to step away from the surface by raising their toes from the tip inward. The crested gecko’s toes are frequently curled inan upward position & can often be noticed inpictures.

30. Setting Up a Terrarium

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (6)

An ideal crested gecko enclosure includes vertical space, hiding spots, climbing structures, and plants (real or artificial) for a natural, enriching environment.

31. Crested Gecko Hybrids

Through selective breeding, crested geckos have been crossed with other Rhacodactylus species, resulting in interesting and unique hybrids.

32. A Loyal Fan Base

Crested geckos have a dedicated following, with enthusiasts attending reptile expos, joining online forums, and participating in local clubs to share their knowledge and passion.

33. Crested Gecko Morphs

Breeders have developed various crested gecko morphs, each with unique colors, patterns, and traits. Some popular morphs include Harlequin, Dalmatian, and Pinstripe.

34. Perfect Pets for Beginners

Crested geckos are considered beginner-friendly pets due to their relatively low maintenance requirements and gentle nature. Their ease of care and fascinating behaviors make them an excellent choice for first-time reptile keepers.

30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts (2024)


30+ Interesting and Fun Crested Gecko Facts? ›

Crested Geckos are great at jumping and climbing, so a lot of vertical space is good for them to play and live happy lives! When threatened or stressed by predators this gecko can drop their tail - however unlike some geckos, a Crested Gecko's tail won't grow back.

What cool things can crested geckos do? ›

Crested Geckos are great at jumping and climbing, so a lot of vertical space is good for them to play and live happy lives! When threatened or stressed by predators this gecko can drop their tail - however unlike some geckos, a Crested Gecko's tail won't grow back.

What are 2 facts about geckos? ›

Geckos have score lines on their tails that allow them to snap off quickly if a predator grabs them. They then regenerate their tail. These lizards have sticky feet that allows them to climb up slick surfaces. Their toes have microscopic hairs called setae that give them this sticky ability.

What is the real name of the crested gecko? ›

The crested gecko or eyelash gecko (Correlophus ciliatus) is a species of gecko native to southern New Caledonia.

What emotions do crested geckos feel? ›

Most people agree that if reptiles can feel emotion at all, fear and pleasure are where it starts. That is because these emotions are reinforced by instinct: fear involves the “fight or flight” instinct, while pleasure is associated with sex drive. Fear shows in defensive responses.

Do crested geckos like clutter? ›

Crested geckos feel comfortable resting in foliage and like to climb on wood. Good landscape materials include cork bark sections for vertical and ground level shelters and climbing areas. Dried wood branches angled across the length of a vivarium provide resting and activity areas. Do not over clutter the tank.

Why do geckos lick their eyes? ›

Fortunately, geckos have long, flexible tongues, so they simply lick their eyes periodically. This keeps their eyes moist and prevents dirt, sand, and other debris from entering them. The main reason why many geckos' eyes look so massive is most species don't have eyelids to partially cover them!

Do geckos have personalities? ›

Leopard Gecko Personality

Leopard geckos are nocturnal. They sleep under rocks and in hides during the day, but they're filled with personality at night. Leopard geckos aren't the most social pets. They prefer to be curious on their own time, crawling and climbing throughout their habitat.

What is geckos weakness? ›

Equipped with sticky toe pads capable of supporting the weight of two humans, they cling to walls and scurry across ceilings with ease. But like any superhero, the reptiles have their kryptonite. A new study shows that soaked surfaces and wet feet cause them to lose their grip.

What are geckos best known for? ›

Many species are well known for their specialised toe pads, which enable them to grab and climb onto smooth and vertical surfaces, and even cross indoor ceilings with ease. Geckos are well known to people who live in warm regions of the world, where several species make their home inside human habitations.

What do geckos do all day? ›

Most geckos are nocturnal, which means they are active at night, but day geckos are active during the day and nibble on insects, fruits, and flower nectar. Most geckos make noises such as chirping, barking, and clicking when they are defending their territory or attracting a mate.

Do geckos have 3 eyes? ›

Several other lizard family members also have distinct third eyes, including anoles. So do lampreys - yes, the fish. "This so-called third eye is smaller than the so-called 'lateral eyes' (the two we're familiar with as humans)," Smith says. Snakes and some other lizard lineages, like geckos, lost their third eye.

Why do crested geckos sing? ›

The chirping sound is usually associated when your pet gecko has been surprised or is uncomfortable in some way. Chirping may also be a sound emitted from a female gecko to another male gecko to let him know to leave her alone.

What are crested geckos facts for kids? ›

They have a prehensile tail which allows them to grab onto vines and branches. It also has lamellae pads. If they lose their tail they do not grow it back. These geckos were thought to be extinct until 1994 when they were discovered on some islands off the east coast of Australia.

Can crested geckos do tricks? ›

Yes, you can teach a gecko to perform certain behaviours at a given cue. However, they will learn at their own pace, and if you've never trained an animal, it will be slow going - don't expect miracles on the first day.

What do crested geckos enjoy? ›

Crested geckos enjoy climbing around on plants, vines and even the walls of their terrarium. You will certainly have fun decorating their habitat and creating fun areas for them to climb on and jump around. Crested geckos are mostly tame but can be timid when touched, so be sure to handle them with care.

What do geckos like to do for fun? ›

You might be amazed at the funny things geckos do. Some love climbing up climbing trees and then jumping off again. Others love rolling around in a paper towel roll. Setting up a gecko carnival is a great way to learn what your gecko likes to do.

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