Can You Microwave Oat Milk? (How to & Mistakes to Avoid) (2024)

Milk is essential in everyone’s life. Ever since birth, it has been a prominent component of our diets. But as years go by, you might start preferring other drinks over milk. This can be due to various reasons, starting with you simply not enjoying the taste and ending with your dietary choices.

Opting for a dairy-free or vegan lifestyle means you have to steer clear of dairy milk. This distance from milk can also be because of them being lactose intolerant. When they do not drink dairy milk, they look for its substitutes, and oat milk is a great one. You can use oat milk in the various recipes you want to try and experiment with it to your heart’s desires.

When I started to incorporate oat milk into my diet, I had no idea that I had been wasting so much time heating oat milk over the stove, when I could microwave oat milk in a few minutes! Yes, our favorite machine has done it again. To me, the microwave is a superhero (but without a cape) who has saved me so much time. In this article, we will talk all about microwaving oat milk! So let’s start.

Can you microwave oat milk?

Can You Microwave Oat Milk? (How to & Mistakes to Avoid) (1)

Yes, you can microwave oat milk. Oat milk is a plant-based milk made from oats that have been soaked and ground. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and it is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol. When microwaved, oat milk retains most of its nutritional value as compared to other methods of heating, such as stovetop heating.

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How To Warm Oat Milk In The Microwave?

A cozy glass of warm microwaved oat milk is a comforting treat that can make even the most stressful days a little bearable. Not only that, but you can also pop it in some of your preferred recipes. So knowing this shortcut will come in handy:

What Will You Need when warming oat milk?

  • A microwave-safe container (preferably a glass/mug/cup)
  • A spoon
  • A microwave (duh!)
  • Oat milk

Step by Step Instructions to heat oat milk in microwave

The process of heating oat milk in the microwave is easier than you have imagined it to be. It consists of only a few very simple steps, which include:

  1. Put your desired amount of oat milk into a microwavable glass or container.
  2. The microwave needs to be at medium power/heat.
  3. Place the oat milk in the microwave for 15-second intervals. After each interval, to ensure even heating, stir the milk.
  4. Heat oat milk in the microwave till you can see steam rising from the milk. But be careful not to let the oat milk boil in the microwave cause not only can it potentially get your microwave dirty, but the oat milk itself might thicken.
  5. If you’re using a microwavable container due to the unavailability of a microwavable glass, you can finish the process off by transferring the oat milk into your favorite glass or mug.

The very last step would be to enjoy your time, stay cozy, and make all your worries and stresses go away for a little time. All of that with just a mug of warm oat milk, wow!

Important Tips to Follow to safely heat oat milk

  1. Be patient! When it comes to warming oat milk in the microwave, patience is a virtue you need to strongly abide by. It is crucial to slow down the process as oat milk can easily get scorched and thicken up when heated all at once.
  2. Stir stir stir: Stirring is essential for the oat milk as it ensures that the oat milk gets evenly heated. Stirring also releases extra heat, which prevents the milk from getting burnt.
  3. Stop as soon as you see steam: When you see even the smallest amount of steam rising from the oat milk, take it out right away.
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How Long Does It Take to Heat Oat Milk in the Microwave?

Microwaves are always going to be a savior of time. It doesn’t take long to get your oat milk warm, especially in comparison to the traditional over-the-stove method.

If you have set your microwave to a high heat setting, just 15 seconds is enough for a nice, warm cup of oat milk. On the other hand, only around 30 to 40 seconds are required to heat oat milk up when the microwave is set to medium heat.

Make sure you stir after every fifteen seconds to avoid uneven heating, which can cause the oat milk to scorch and thicken since oat milk has a lower boiling point than, say, soy milk, cow milk, or even almond milk.

Is It Safe To Microwave Oat Milk?

Can You Microwave Oat Milk? (How to & Mistakes to Avoid) (2)

Microwave heating oat milk is generally a safe process. It prevents you from coming in direct contact with fire and its heat. So if you are wearing a pair of baking mittens while taking out what you have put in, you will be quite safe while warming oat milk.

However, when it comes to heating oat milk in the microwave, there are two risk factors involved. First, oat milk can easily scorch at the bottom of the container/glass you are heating it in. Second, a film of protein will form at the surface of the oat milk due to this.

Also, scorched oat milk can not be used further as it develops a burnt taste and has a weird texture.

How Is Heating Oat Milk Different From Heating Regular Milk?

The main reason for the difference when heating oat milk is that oat milk is a plant-based milk that doesn’t have the same proteins that cow’s milk does. As a result, oat milk cannot withstand extended heating in a microwave as long as dairy milk without it curdling or thickening.

Benefits of Microwaving

  1. Time: Most of us who use this miraculous machine daily will probably consider this as one of the biggest blessings in our lives. Microwaves save you so much time! Don’t have enough time to prepare a meal? Microwave the leftovers from the previous night! Want a midnight snack? Make cup noodles in the microwave! Want warm oat milk? Well, you guessed it right, microwave!
  2. Convenience: This point relates to the time-saving aspect of the microwave. Microwaves are highly convenient. They are available almost everywhere, and with just a click of a button and a little patience, you can get what you desire.
  3. Safety: Microwaves are pretty safe, as you can heat your food in a box without direct contact with fire or heat. However, wearing oven mittens while taking a dish or food item out can save you from getting burnt.
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Related Questions

Can You Heat Homemade Oat Milk In The Microwave?

Yes, you can! However, there is something you need to keep in mind. Homemade oat milk thickens very quickly and very intensely on high heat that’s why it’s recommended to use medium heat. Adding a small amount of oil can help slow down the thickening process.

Can You Heat Oat Milk With Additional Flavors Added To It?

You most definitely heat oat milk without additional flavors added! You can add cinnamon, chocolate powder, turmeric, or any other flavor you prefer.

Can You Reuse Microwaved Oat Milk?

Once the oat milk has warmed, you can put it back in the refrigerator and use it later before its expiry date. However, never put freshly heated oat milk, which just came out of the microwave, into the fridge. Doing this will lead to a drastic temperature change in the milk, which might cause it to go bad. Hence, you should always make sure that the oat milk is at room temperature before putting it in the refrigerator.

Can you microwave oat milk for hot chocolate?

Oat milk can be microwaved for hot chocolate, although the results may vary depending on the type of oat milk and the wattage of the microwave. Most oat milks can be heated in a microwave safe container for 2-4 minutes on high power. Be sure to stir the oat milk occasionally during heating to help evenly distribute the heat. Then, add your favorite chocolate sauce or powder and stir until combined. Enjoy your delicious, creamy hot chocolate!

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Is microwaving oatmeal healthy?

There’s nothing wrong with microwaving oatmeal. Oat meal is a healthy and hearty breakfast choice that provides plenty of fiber and nutrients. And microwaving is a quick and easy way to cook oatmeal. In fact, microwaving can actually help to preserve the nutrients in oatmeal. So if you’re looking for a healthy, convenient breakfast option, microwaved oatmeal is a great choice.

Does microwaving oats remove nutrients?

No, microwaving oats does not remove nutrients. In fact, it can actually preserve nutrients better than boiling. This is because the lower heat of microwaves is less likely to damage delicate nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Additionally, microwaving takes less time than boiling, which means that there is less opportunity for nutrient loss through evaporation. However, it is important to note that all cooking methods will result in some nutrient loss. The best way to maximize the nutrient content of oats is to cook them overnight in a slow cooker. This method is both gentle and efficient, meaning that more of the oats’ nutrients will be retained.

Can I add flavors to oat milk before microwaving it?

Yes you can add flavor before warming oat milk in your microwave. However, there are many brands of oat milk on the market, and they come in a variety of different flavors which would save you the hassle. Still, if you want to keep it simple, you can heat up plain oat milk and add a shot of vanilla extract or some chocolate chips. Or, if you want something more adventurous, try adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg. You can also stir in some fruit puree or jam for a delicious treat. Whatever flavors you choose, microwaving oat milk is a quick and easy way to enjoy a delicious cup of plant-based milk.

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Can I reuse microwaved oat milk?

Yes! You can reuse oat milk that has been warmed in the microwave. Simply reheat the oat milk in the microwave for a few seconds and then use it as you would any other type of milk.

Can you microwave oat milk for latte?

Yes, you can microwave heat oat milk for latte. First, place the desired amount of oat milk in a sealed glass and shake until frothy. Then, microwave the oat milk on high for 30-45 seconds. Remove the oat milk from the microwave and pour into your prepared coffee. Add any desired flavorings and enjoy!

Does microwaving oat milk make it slimy?

No, microwaving oat milk does not make it slimy. However, if you heat the oat milk for too long or on too high of a setting, it can cause the oat milk to become scorched or curdled. If this happens, simply discard the milk and start again. When microwaving oat milk, be sure to heat it in short increments and stir often to prevent


So I shared as promised: the perfect recipe to heat oat milk in the microwave, which ends up with delicious warm oat milk with the right texture, flavor, and color. By using microwaved warm oat milk, you will be saving yourself time and also making food that will leave you shocked (with its deliciousness, of course ).

A cup of warm oat milk on a stressful day can lift the gloom from your day, and now that you know an easy method to do it, you might not see yourself stressed in the upcoming days! Enjoy!

Can You Microwave Oat Milk? (How to & Mistakes to Avoid) (2024)


Can You Microwave Oat Milk? (How to & Mistakes to Avoid)? ›

Oat milk must be warmed gradually and gently to achieve the greatest results. Excessive heating of oat milk can change the taste or result in a wide protein film on top. Luckily, these issues can be avoided by using one microwave on low to medium heat.

Is it OK to warm up oat milk? ›

Can oat milk be heated? Of course, oat milk and all homemade plant milks can be heated up, but be careful how you do it, because there are small details that are crucial to enjoy our milk in good condition. Let's heat the milk up in the microwave or in the traditional saucepan, we must avoid it to boil.

Can oat milk be warmed up in a microwave? ›

Is It OK To Microwave Oat Milk? Yes! It is perfectly fine to microwave oat milk. Just be sure to check it every 15 seconds and give it a stir to keep it from overheating.

How do you steam oat milk in the microwave? ›

Microwave. Place your oat milk into a sealable glass jar. Shake it vigorously, until the milk becomes frothy and it doubles in size. Remove the lid and microwave for a minute, or until a froth appears on top.

Does oat milk separate when heated? ›

It is not every oat milk will curdle when you heat or boiled. But there may be a chance of your oat milk forming curdle depending upon the oat milk you are using, the natural acidic level of the oat milk, and the espresso shot you are adding to it. The curdling of oat milk is also a chemical reaction.

Why does warm oat milk make me sleepy? ›

But if you're a vegan then the good news is that oats and therefore oat milk are also high in melatonin producing, tryptophan. Sleep Well oat milk drink also contains the natural herb, Valerian, which has been helping us get to sleep for almost 2,000 years.

What temp does oat milk go bad? ›

How to Store Oat Milk to Keep It Fresh. The best way to keep oat milk fresh is to ensure that it's cold. Store it in the coldest part of your refrigerator (which is usually the bottom), or make sure it's stored below between 32 and 40 degrees to prevent freezing and spoiling.

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In a deep, microwave safe dish, add your oats, milk, salt, and additional seasoning or add-ins (if desired). Place the dish in the microwave and cook on high for 90 seconds. Remove and stir your oatmeal to combine. Serve and enjoy!

Is oat milk better than Almond Milk? ›

Oat Milk: Nutrition. Overall, the main differences between almond and oat milk are energy (calories) and carbohydrates, with almond milk offering less of each. Oat milk also contains slightly higher amounts of fiber, protein, and fat than almond milk.

Can I add oat milk to coffee? ›

Oat milk provides a rich and creamy flavor to coffee drinks, so it's a great dairy alternative. Best of all, it froths up nicely, just like cow's milk. Not all dairy substitutes are the same in that regard. All things considered, if you want to go non-dairy, oat milk is the perfect alternative.

Can you drink oat milk by itself? ›

Oat milk is a popular plant-based drink made with oats, water, and sometimes a few other ingredients. You can make your own oat milk as well as buy it in the store. You can drink it on its own or add it to smoothies, tea, or coffee. Its creaminess makes it a good nondairy choice for foamy drinks like lattes.

How long to heat oat milk in microwave for hot chocolate? ›

How long do I microwave oat milk for hot chocolate? Microwave oat milk for 2-4 minutes on high before stirring in the hot chocolate ingredients like cacao powder. The oat milk needs to be hot enough for the cacao powder to dissolve easily.

What happens if you don't refrigerate oat milk? ›

According to the USDA, a carton of oat milk can safely sit out for up to two hours. After that, you best toss it out.

Why does oat milk not need to be refrigerated? ›

The short answer is no, you don't always need to refrigerate your oat milk. Willa's Oat Milk is shelf-stable because the packaging has an airtight seal, allowing you to store it in your pantry until it's opened. Once the milk has been opened, you can store in the refrigerator and consume within seven to ten days.

Can you leave oat milk in the fridge? ›

Oat milk should also have a note on the label about how long it can be stored in the fridge once opened. Most should last from 7 to 10 days, but check the label to be sure.

Is oat milk better hot or cold? ›

Homemade oat milk works great in baked goods, smoothies or cold beverages. Can you use oat milk in hot beverages? Unfortunately, it's not the best option for hot beverages as it may thicken up and become slightly slimy again. Because it lacks fat (unlike nut milks), it doesn't froth well either.

Can you heat up oat milk for hot chocolate? ›

Pour the cups of oat milk into a pan and gently simmer on the hob. Put the cocoa and maple syrup into a separate cup and add a small bit of boiling water and mix until all combined. Add this into the oat milk and whisk. Warm for about 5 minutes, but watch it to make sure it doesn't boil over.

Can you drink oat milk out of the fridge? ›

We don't add any preservatives to our oatmilk recipes, so we generally advise keeping our oatmilk refrigerated continuously for food safety purposes. (Personally, I would not consume oatmilk that has been sitting out for more than four hours.)

Does oat milk go bad if not cold? ›

The short answer is no, you don't always need to refrigerate your oat milk. Willa's Oat Milk is shelf-stable because the packaging has an airtight seal, allowing you to store it in your pantry until it's opened. Once the milk has been opened, you can store in the refrigerator and consume within seven to ten days.

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