Poached Eggs Over Polenta With Olive Tapenade Recipe | LaaLoosh (2024)

By Wendy Zitzman

Poached Eggs Over Polenta With Olive Tapenade Recipe | LaaLoosh (1)

I got the idea for this Poached Eggs over Polenta with Olive Tapenade Recipe while eating an olive tapenade bruschetta one day.

While enjoying the olive tapenade on the delicious bread of the bruschetta, I thought about trying it over a lower calorie option instead – polenta. I also wanted to add a delicate flavor that would balance out the dish and add a touch of creaminess, and since I’ve been having lots of fun experimenting with poached eggs lately, I decided that this may be the ticket.

I was astounded at how fantastic this dish turned out!

The flavors are absolutely amazing, and the poached eggs over the polenta and olive tapenade is perfect. Though this is not a low fat or low cholesterol recipe, the balance of protein and fiber and the minimized carbohydrates make this Weight Watchers recipe a mere 8 Points. NOT bad considering that you are eating two whole eggs over 4 slices of polenta with a decadent olive tapenade.

Pair this dish with a light salad, and you’ve got a great Weight Watchers meal. There are a million different variations of this recipe bouncing around in my head that I’m dying to try, and I’m thrilled at how well this Poached Eggs over Polenta with Olive Tapenade turned out. I also think this would work really well with a creamier, homemade polenta, but I chose to keep it simple and use the prepared “log” I found at Trader Joe’s.

Regardless, this dish is excellent and an absolute MUST try.

Poached Eggs Over Polenta With Olive Tapenade Recipe | LaaLoosh (2)

Poached Eggs over Polenta with Olive Tapenade Recipe

An incredibly filling and delicious dish, it’s hard to believe that each serving is just 8 Points. The textures and flavors are divine making this versatile recipe perfect for breakfast, dinner, or lunch.

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Servings 4

Calories 290 kcal


  • 1 Oven


  • 1 16 oz package prepared polenta
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 small 4 oz can black olives - sliced
  • 1 6.5 oz jar pitted Kalamata olives - sliced
  • cup fresh basil - finely chopped
  • Juice from ½ a lemon
  • 4 cloves garlic - minced
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • ½ tsp black pepper


  • Preheat oven to 375.

  • Slice polenta into 16 even slices. Spray a baking sheet with nonfat cooking spray, and evenly spread out the polenta slices on it.

  • Bake polenta until edges start to brown, about 12-15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, polenta is baking, combine olives, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, thyme and basil in a large bowl. Mix well.

  • Poach eggs by using a poaching pan or, follow the method posted in the NOTES of the recipe.

  • Place 4 slices of polenta in each serving bowl, top with 1/4 of the olive tapenade mixture, and then place two poached eggs on top. Serve immediately.


  • Use a pan that is at least 3-inches deep so there is enough water to cover the eggs, and they do not stick to the bottom of the pan. Also make sure your pan is wide enough to hold all the eggs you will be poaching, as you don't want the eggs to stick together.
  • Working with the eggs, one by one, break or crack each egg onto a saucer, ramekin, small cup, or bowl. Place all cups of eggs so that they are convenient to the stove.
    If the water is too cool, the egg will separate apart before it cooks; if your water is too hot, you will end up with tough whites and an over-cooked yolk.
  • You will want to bring the water to a temperature of about 160 to 180ºF (71-82ºC). As a rule of thumb, bring the water to a boil, then reduce it to a simmer before cooking.
  • Slip eggs carefully into slowly or gently simmering water by lowering the lip of each egg cup 1/2-inch below the surface of the water. Gently pour the eggs out. With a spoon, gently nudge the egg whites closer to their yolks. Immediately cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Don't disturb the egg/eggs once you have put them in the water.


Serving: 4 slices polenta, two eggs and 1/4 of the olive tapenadeCalories: 290 kcal (15%)Carbohydrates: 26 g (9%)Protein: 6 g (12%)Fat: 19 g (29%)Fiber: 4 g (17%)

Course: Breakfast and Brunch Recipes

Diet: Vegetarian Recipes

Cooking Method: Baking Recipes

Main Ingredient: Egg Recipes, Vegetable Recipes

Tried this recipe?Let me know how it was!

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AuthorWendy Zitzman

As your average, every day, All American woman, I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts and ideas on many different topics that interest me such as dieting, health & fitness.Trust me when I tell you that this is one site you NEED to bookmark! I have the most amazing recipes with Weight Watchers Points that you won’t believe are low calorie! As an avid Weight Watchers follower, I have learned so many helpful tips and tools over the years that I am eager to share.

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    1. Terri12 years ago

      Looks so yummy! I think I will try 1/2 a serving over a bed of arugula or mixed greens.

    2. Sara12 years ago

      This looks amazing! I can’t wait to try it out!!

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    Poached Eggs Over Polenta With Olive Tapenade Recipe | LaaLoosh (2024)
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